Weight gain? 19lbs. I'm now pushing 160lbs on the scale, made my heart quiver to see that BUT it's for a good cause! I won't complain about weight gain for this reason!
Baby is the size of - a spaghetti squash and weighing in at just under a pound
Maternity clothes? I'm starting to think that this is no longer a valid question….have you seen the size of my bump?!
Stretch marks? Still in the clear when it comes to stretch marks…now if only the noticeable cellulite would pump the breaks. Not very appealing at all!
Sleep? I've been waking up a lot this week with some pain. I won't go into details but I've been told by a friend that she had the same issue and was told that it was due to stretching. All I can say is with the pain I feel some nights, a red carpet should be rolled out! (No pun intended….LOL) Seriously, though it's unpleasant!
Miss anything? Breathing effortlessly at all times. I'm seriously missing having a clothing selection also.
Cravings? The Super Bowl was last night and I'm not sure if it was tradition of junk eating during the game or cravings but tater-tot nachos were involved in the festivities! YUM!!!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Negative
Symptoms? Still getting winded quite frequently. Hopefully after Wednesday's appointment, everything will check out great and I'll feel comfortable with trying to get into a workout routine. Nothing crazy, just something to help keep my body flexible and help with my lung/heart endurance.
Belly button - in or out? It's flattening more and more out by the day!
Wedding rings - on or off? On, although they are starting to get snug at times.
Any movement? Lots of movement, especially last night once we laid down for bed. I guess he was still in the Super Bowl party spirit and he was kicking rather hard and often!
Happy or moody? Happy, I've been a little more relaxed this week than I have in the past few weeks.
Looking forward to - Getting to see Jaxon again during our checkup/ultrasound on Wednesday! We both love getting to see him moving around and seeing his progression.
Interesting week 22 fact - Jaxon is entering his fifth month of existence. His fingernails are almost fully grown and his organ systems are becoming more functional and specialized. His first canines and molars are developing below his gum line. Jaxon is looking like a miniature newborn. Blood is traveling through the umbilical cord at 4 miles and hour!

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