Happy New Year Everyone!!!
How far along? 18 weeks
Weight gain? 14 lbs
Baby is the size of - a sweet potato
Maternity clothes? I'm beginning to wonder why so many women are opposed to maternity clothes, they are so comfy. I'm going to throughly enjoy wearing them!
Stretch marks? Still in the clear when it come to stretch marks!
Sleep? Sleep? What is that?
Miss anything? Only the previous mentioned misses
Cravings? Last night, I think I could've cleared out all the food in our kitchen! I wanted everything I looked at!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Negative
Symptoms? With moving and being on my feet and up and down stairs over the past two weekends with the move I've noticed some swelling in my legs and feet. And headaches, lets not forget those headaches.
Belly button - in or out? In and wonky
Wedding rings - on or off? ON!
Any movement? I've felt a lot more movement this past week! The baby definitely kicked in the New Year! :-)
Happy or moody? Happy :) and absolutely exhausted
Looking forward to - Wednesday, Wednesday, WEDNESDAY… We are so excited to be able to answer the question of "what are you having" with something other than the response of "a baby"
Interesting week 18 fact - A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around the baby's nerves, a process that will continue for a year after birth. If you're having a girl, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you are having a boy, the genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during the ultrasound.
The past two weeks have been so eventful it's nice to finally take a breath and realize that it is finally beginning to slow down a bit. We closed on the townhouse Thursday and signed for our new house on Friday. It was a nice few hours to be mortgage free…haha! We are slowly but surely getting our things settled in. We have already started a list of changes that will be making to make it more "our home." Our first night there was so different than what we were used to. We turned out the light laid down and SILENCE. It was so quite we could hear each other breathing. I know most wouldn't think nothing of that but when you come a place that there is no silence, whether it be the neighbors or the traffic on the road, it was very different for us! So different that last night we ended up hooking up the tv and digging out a movie to turn on in the bedroom.

Tabitha enjoyed meeting our ass of a neighbor…hehe. He's a very friendly donkey and loves to be petted. He's so friendly that when you walk away he motions with his head for you to come back. I have a feeling everyone that visits is going to fall in love with our new neighbor. We will have to start keeping some apples and carrots handy to feed him!

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