Weight gain? 10 lbs at the last visit to the doctor last week
Baby is the size of - an apple
Maternity clothes? I'm finding them increasingly more and more comfortable
Stretch marks? Still in the clear when it come to stretch marks! I've read reports and most say that if you got them in your early years you are likely to have them during pregnancy.
Sleep? Toss and turn, toss and turn. Lord only knows how many times I wake up at night.
Miss anything? I must admit that it would be nice to have a glass of wine while kicked back on the couch with all the Christmas lights on and a movie on TV, but I'll survive.
Cravings? This past week there was one day that I HAD TO HAVE a Bojangles cajun chicken biscuit & seasoned fried, but then again, that is a craving prego or not from time to time! There was another day that during lunch the only thing that sounded appealing to me was an apple covered in peanut butter and Pampered Chef caramel sprinkle mix! Yum!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Just those darned headaches. Go away!
Symptoms? I mentioned the headaches again to the doctor at our appointment last week and she seems to think that they are tension headaches and there's really not much that can be done for them. Ugh. I seriously feel like I've been punched in the right side of the head!
Belly button - in or out? IN! Although, from this point on, were just going to refer to it as looking wonky.
Wedding rings - on or off? ON! They get tight from time to time, but I'm not taking them off (for now)
Any movement? I felt the baby once this past week, how exciting! Usually by the time I slow down enough to feel the baby, I fall asleep seconds later!
Happy or moody? Happy :) for the most part with a side of stress. Bank of America knows how to get my blood boiling when it comes to the house loan, but I turned over that stress to John so I can start focusing on baby things and less stressful issues. Thank God for my husband, I never would've thought he'd be the calm one of the two of us!
Looking forward to - Christmas! This is the first year that John & I will be spending Christmas together! We've always had to Skype on Christmas as we opened gifts from one another since he was in Afghanistan. I'm thankful for the distance that we had when our relationship first started since it forced us to learn how to communicate with each other but I'm so thankful to have him home now!
Interesting week 15 fact - At 15 weeks, the skin is still thin and transparent, but the baby has developed a thin layer of hair to help protect the body. This layer of hair is called lanugo, and it is present on every part of your baby's body, even finger nails!
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