Weight gain? I haven't checked since the last doctors appoint, which was a 10lb gain. Not bad for the first trimester I don't think!
Baby is the size of - an avocado
Maternity clothes? This week I went from having over a handful of pre-pregnancy jeans that fit to having only two. None of the others will button.
Stretch marks? Still in the clear when it come to stretch marks!
Sleep? Thanks to my pregnancy pillow, I'm finding it more and more easy to sleep at night. I LOVE IT!!! Now if only I could get my dog to understand it's mine, not his! He always manages to wedge himself in between me and the pillow!
Miss anything? Being able to go to my closet and pick out anything I want to wear.
Cravings? Nothing new on the list of cravings. Still eating my weight in Cuties daily.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Just those darned headaches. Go away!
Symptoms? Headaches still; I don't think these are ever going to go away. I've never been one to be drug down by headaches so I'm not liking this one bit! I've been having some pain in my pelvic area as well, I'm pretty sure that's due to the fact that I have a desk job and I'm sitting most of the day. My hands are tied when it comes to that, there's not much I can do.
Belly button - in or out? IN! Although, from this point on, were just going to refer to it as looking wonky.
Wedding rings - on or off? ON!
Any movement? No notable movements to report this week. I can't wait till I start to feel the baby on a daily basis!
Happy or moody? Happy :) for the most part with a side of stress. This is our last week in the house. Next weekend we will be packing up all of our things and going to live with my parents for at least a week until our new home closes.

Interesting week 16 fact - The baby is growing hair, lashes and eyebrows. The baby is also able to hear us now thanks to the tiny forming ear bones. And taste buds are forming.
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Dad-to-be loved the Preggo pillow too |
So this past week, I feel like I've got some things rolling as far as the baby goes. We picked up a baby crib, glider rocker and ottoman last weekend while we were in Winston-Salem visiting with family. We are so grateful for their kind hearts and that they passed on their girls' baby furniture to us!
We booked a birth photographer. It wasn't a very hard decision to make. I want those first pictures of when our baby enters the world and obviously, I won't be able to take them. And personally, I think a family member would be too emotionally attached to the situation to get all of those pictures that I long for due to them being wrapped up in the moment as well. I emailed several area photographers and we ended up booking with my first choice. I have no doubt that the pictures are going to come out amazing and we'll treasure them beyond words. And if you are wondering, NO, the photographer will not be getting the doctor's view of the birth. I don't want to see that and I'm sure no one else would either! I've been working on an idea board on Pinterest to share with the photographer, even though I'm almost certain that we are on the same page as to the pictures that we are wanting. Here's a link if you are interested in looking at what we have in mind Birth(day) Photography
As far as a gender revel, we are still up in the air about that one. I know that it would be really exciting for everyone in our family to get together and find out what our little one will be but at the same time, it couldn't come as a worse time for us. We close on our house the Friday before we find out on Wednesday (Jan. 8) so we know things are going to be super hectic till we get everything organized. We are still juggling with the idea of it in our minds, but we're not sure that we will do a big reveal or not. However, if we do have one, we already know the theme and how it will be done.
Here's a peak at our soon to be home and yard!
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