It's been nice hearing how many people enjoyed my pregnancy journal! I'm glad I was able to shed a light on some of the things to come for those that were/are expecting. After the experiences I've had since finding out I was pregnant all the way though postpartum, I've decided that someone needs to write a book about all the crap no one tells you! I've learned that a lot of women are tight lipped about the realities of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum. It's definitely not all bliss filled with 24-hour perma-grin plastered across your face! Just mention the words first poop to any mother and just see the look of pain run across their face! Yeah ladies, you know you just cringed a little thinking about that moment when you broke out in a sweat and prayed God wouldn't take you out in such a manner. But, you survived so how about warning your expecting friends?! No one will complain if you take the element of surprise away when it comes to something like that!
I feel like most days now it's a struggle to feel confident about my appearance. We have a trip coming up soon and we'll be attending wedding. Every dress that I've tried on, I've looked like a busted can of biscuits (even the dresses that weren't tight). Things are so awkwardly out of shape at the moment. I know, I know, I'm well aware that I've had a baby and it will take time but still it's not easy. It's definitely a struggle. I think the most confident
I've ever been in my life was when I was pregnant, I actually miss the bump (not the pains)! I've also realized that God has a sense of humor once again and it's directed towards me. After all the shameless prayers for no stretch marks, I've found some as my body has been readjusting. I have stretch marks on my rear...yep, my bum! Not only are they there but I have a symetrical pair of marks on both sides. Go figure. Well played stretch marks, well played….. All the weight that I was told would "fall right off," no one told me it would be in the weight of my hair. Thankfully that has subsided for the most part. For a while there I was thinking that I was going to end up bald. Seriously, HAIR EVERYWHERE.

Life is forever more in fast forward
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