Weight gain? 40 lbs
Baby is the size of - a butternut squash
Stretch marks? None! Yay!
Sleep? Sleep is up and down. I can nap like no other but when it comes time to actually lay down and sleep at night I have the worst time falling asleep and staying asleep. A lot of this can be attributed to my ever growing belly. If I don't have a pillow positioned just right underneath it it's impossible for me to fall asleep because it literally feels like my skin will rip apart. I know it won't actually do so, but that's how it feels.
Miss anything? Does vacations count? I'm dying for a trip to the beach, even if it was for a weekend but I know that my window for a vacation has passed and there will be none of that. It's looking like Orlando in December for a wedding will be our next getaway.
Cravings? Lucky Charms sounds wonderful for any meal or snack lately. I've had two bowlfuls already today.
Anything make you queasy or sick? The thought of getting Jaxon out is starting to make me queasy but in terms of actually being sick or queasy, there's nothing that does that.

Symptoms? Uncomfortableness. I hurt when I sit too long. I hurt when I lay down. I'm exhausted but I can't sleep. There's so much I want to get done or do, but it's hard to find the energy to do it after working a 9 hour day. I did have one day of super "nesting" this week. I put together his changing table, Rock & Play and also his bouncy seat. That should count for something right?
Belly button - In or out? It's poking out a little more this week
Wedding rings - on or off? I've had them on all this week but they are tight
Any movement? He's been moving quite a bit this week. He still likes to tickle my hip bones but I reckon that is better than him kicking my ribs! He likes to make his presence known and likes to poke his butt and head out where it's very noticeable.
Happy or moody? It's been a happy week, only because I've had to suffocate my come and go moodiness.
What emotions have you been experiencing this week? I've had mixed emotions this week. I think it's because I'm so uncomfortable and struggling with the fact that I want a getaway in the sunshine. I feel uncomfortable and for the most part useless. Some days I feel like such a complainer and that's not me. Guess I've been super whiny the past few days because the last two times I've complained in the least bit, John's said something about it. Not in a jerk kind of way, put your claws back in ladies. I know he has to be ready for me to have Jaxon so he won't have to hear the complaining anymore.
Looking forward to - I'm still looking forward to some pain-free sleep! But, will that ever happen?!?
Week 34 Fun Fact - Jaxon can now recognize and react to simple songs. I read where it suggested that we can start practicing singing him lullabies so he'll recognize those frequently sung and they'll be soothing after birth. (Note to self: download some lullabies on the iPod and start playing them for him. Anyone that knows either of us knows that we are tone deaf and couldn't carry a pitch in a bucket) Or, maybe I'll just start playing Aerosmith for him all the time!

We met with a pediatrician on Friday as well. We interviewed with Dr Templeton with French Broad Pediatrics. He was very personable and the staff was great as well. We really liked the set up of the office, there is a sick side and a well side and neither cross each other's paths which I thought was a terrific idea! It's nice knowing that if we are taking Jaxon in for a checkup that we won't be risking his health to do so because from check in to check out, he will never be in an area were a sick child has been through or seen. Dr Templeton also believes in communicating with the parents as much as possible so there's no "quick visit" time limits. He or his partner also answer all calls after hours, which I really like since it takes out the middle man and saves on time when assistance is really needed. We left the office feeling very confident that we had found Jaxon's pediatrician! Relieved for that and another check mark on the list of things to do before his arrival!
We had birthing class on Saturday. That was definitely interesting and not a total waste of time. We learned a few things so hopefully we'll be prepared for different situations during delivery. The class was held at Asheville Women's which meant that we were sitting in their waiting room chairs all day. After 45 minutes my back was hurting so bad that I was breaking out into a cold sweat. You would think considering that the majority of the patients there are pregnant that they would invest in some comfy waiting area seating like my OB office has. I moved and twitched more than any hyper child in a church pew could ever imagine (thank goodness we were sitting on the back row so I wasn't a distraction to everyone else)!