How far along? 11 weeks
Weight gain? I made my way down to my parents' house this weekend, but forgot to weigh myself. I'm starting to think that maybe we do need a scale at home! I'm thinking my weight is the same if not less than last week. Seems that this week I lost the "bloat." I went to bed one night looking pregnant and woke up the next day with a tiny little pooch. So not much in terms of "bump watching" this week!
Baby is the size of a - Lime
Maternity clothes? Still haven't broke into maternity jeans but I do have some plain long sleeved tees to add to the wardrobe. They are super comfy and I love the fact that they are longer length.
Stretch marks? Still in the clear when it come to stretch marks!
Sleep? I sleep fine through the night but I can't wait for the day I wake up and actually feel well rested!
Miss anything? Piping hot showers or a nice hot bath. Yep, I miss those…
Cravings? All this week I was dying to make no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies, I finally broke down and made them. I think I'm going to have to start making a weekly batch. YUMMY!
Anything make you queasy or sick? Just those darned headaches. They are slowly getting better but gosh I'm so over them!
Symptoms? Only systems are the splitting headaches and sleepiness. Pregnancy brain steals my mind every now and then.
Belly button - in or out? IN!
Wedding rings - on or off? ON! I just got major compliments on them this past week! I love when I get compliments on my rings, my hubby did GOOD!
Happy or moody? Happy :)
Looking forward to - We have an appointment this week! I don't think we have another ultrasound but I'm hoping that we'll at least get to hear the baby's heartbeat! It's apparently a hour long appointment of family history and paperwork, surely they can toss something exciting into the mix!
Best pregnancy find: My sister-in-law Heather gave me some books to read; one was
Belly Laughs: The Naked Truth about Pregnancy and Childbirth by Jenny McCarthy OMG, it's hilarious! I definitely recommend that all women read this book when they are pregnant! Definitely gives you the humerous take on the not so funny side of pregnancy and childbirth!
Telling our parents was so much fun, and such a relief (it's hard keeping a secret like that)! I took 3 at home tests because we all know, one is just not enough! I called my OB/GYN the next day to schedule an appointment. We had to wait over two weeks to be seen, TWO WEEKS! We were so excited, knowing we were going to have to wait two weeks seemed like an eternity! We decided that we weren't going to tell our parents until after our first appointment, because those 3 tests might've been inaccurate (yeah right).
The following week we were heading out to FL for vacation! While we were there we bought a pair of baby flip flops to take a picture in the sand with ours (this would be part of how we broke the news). We had a wonderful time visiting with John's gramps in The Villages and then we headed off to Siesta Key. Siesta Key was absolutely beautiful, we will definitely vacation there again! We had a little studio villa in the middle of the village which was perfect! We were right in the middle of the beach and all the restaurants and it was an easy walk to get to either. I was just starting to feel the early signs of pregnancy. I swear every time we got into the car to travel somewhere, I would be out like a light. I could not hold me eyes open the second I was the least bit still! My energy was zapped, but I was determined to get the most out of our vacation and that we did! The following are just a few pictures from our vacation. Hopefully, I'll get a chance to blog about soon.
Sunset on gorgeous Siesta Key |
Sunset |
The Ringling Mansion |
The much anticipated appointment date finally came. I was so nervous, not about the being pregnant but I knew there would be needles involved on this first visit…ekkk! I'm such a huge baby when it comes to needles, something that I'm going to have to get over while pregnant I know! I was just in weeks earlier for a regular 6 months visit and little did I know, I was pregnant at that time! It was so exciting getting to see our baby during the ultrasound. I enjoyed watching John's face more than the screen to be honest! He had perma-grin the entire time! Seeing the heart beating was absolutely amazing. I can't wait to hear it! Once the pictures were printed the happy, smiling, blissful moment of the appointment was over, off to the lab we went. I was so proud of myself, didn't break out in to a cold sweat or anything while the technician drained what felt like the last drop of blood I had out of my body. Whew, I had made it . We got up and headed to checkout, I was feeling like a champ. I had started the checkout process and beginning to schedule our next appointment when all of the sudden it started, first the in and out hearing and vision followed by the cold sweat…oh geezzz. I quickly found a seat and sucked on a sugary sucker while John finished scheduling the next appointment. Note to self, from now on, carry sugar packets or a soda to every appointment!
Once we got home and I started looking at the pictures of the flip flops I started thinking something else needed to go along with it! So, we bought some clear pacifiers (because we didn't want to be biased about the sex of the baby) and I had the flip flop pictures printed in wallet size at Walgreens. On the backs of the picture I added some card stock (to make then more sturdy) and wrote a little message to the grandparents-to-be. The message said, "Dear grandmomma & granddaddy, please hold this for me incase I need it when I come visit! Knowing mom, she'll probably forget! See you in June! Love, Baby Bratz." I cannot begin to tell you just how much fun it was when they realized what the message actually said and meant!